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The best protein to gain muscle mass

When it comes to building muscle mass, training is only part of the puzzle. The other key piece is diet, but more specifically protein consumption.

As a general rule, between 1.2 and 2.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day are needed to stimulate muscle growth. Although there are other factors that can influence the daily protein requirement.

There are still a lot of people who believe that protein powder supplements are just for gym goers, but protein shakes aren’t just for bodybuilders. Anyone who trains can benefit from these supplements.

What is protein?

Protein is one of the three macronutrients (along with carbohydrates and fat). It provides 4 calories per gram and is made up of amino acids.

Proteins can come from animal and plant sources, such as meat, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts. Although it is naturally present in many foods, we can also find a wide variety of protein supplements on the market.

How does protein contribute to muscle growth?

The human body is made up of mostly protein, including muscle, bone, skin, and hair. Due to the many functions of proteins in our bodies, they are in a constant process of renewal. A part of them breaks down (catabolism) and others accumulate (anabolism). Protein consumption can influence the state of our body depending on the amount of protein we consume each day.

Physical exercise stresses the muscles, producing small tears or micro-tears in the muscle proteins that need to be repaired. The intake of more calories and protein through the diet than our body breaks down, provides the necessary nutrients for the repair of muscles damaged during exercise and their consequent increase in size in the long term.

Different types of protein powders

There are several food sources from which different types of protein powders are extracted. These are the most common:

whey protein

Whey protein is a protein extracted from milk, quickly absorbed and very easily dissolved in water, which makes it one of the favorites among athletes and athletes for its comfort. Whey is a complete protein, which means it contains all the amino acids your body needs.

Soy protein

If you have a lactose allergy or intolerance, or simply don’t want to eat dairy, soy protein is a very good vegetable alternative made from soybeans. Like whey, soy is a complete protein.


Casein is also a protein of dairy origin and is rich in glutamine, an amino acid associated with faster muscle recovery after exercise. Its digestion is much slower than that of whey, which is why its consumption is more recommended at night. In fact, it is also known as the nighttime protein.


If, in addition to lactose, you do not want to eat soy due to allergen problems or for any other reason, pea protein is another very good, high-quality, plant-based alternative. Pea protein is a good source of the amino acid arginine.


Hemp protein, in addition to being a complete protein that contains all the amino acids your body needs, is a protein made from hemp seeds that contain essential fatty acids, making it another very good option for those who avoid allergens.

The best protein powder for beginners

If you are a beginner and you are looking for the best protein powder for you, in addition to your type of diet, you will have to take into account your physical goals. A very common mistake that many beginners make is to look for the cheapest protein, but that is not always the best option. Always check the ingredients, nutritional information and the method of preparation, as sometimes a cheap protein can contain less protein, so you will have to take more and end up spending the same and even more money. Discover the best options in our online store.

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